How to Attract Elk to Your Property (Unlock the Secrets)

If you’re a nature enthusiast or a hunting enthusiast, you might be interested in attracting elk to your property. Elk are majestic animals that can provide an incredible sight to behold, and they can also offer a challenging and rewarding hunting experience.

However, attracting elk to your property requires some effort and knowledge of their behavior and preferences.

In this article, we’ll explore some effective strategies and tips on how to attract elk to your property, so you can enjoy the company of these magnificent animals and enhance your outdoor experience.

How to Attract Elk to Your Property

Research the Habits and Preferences of Elk

Understanding the habits and preferences of elk is essential if you want to attract them to your property. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the habits and preferences of elk.

Food Preferences: Elk are herbivores, which means they primarily eat vegetation. They prefer to eat grasses, forbs, and shrubs, but they will also consume bark, twigs, and other woody plants if food is scarce.

Elk will typically graze for several hours a day, and they require a significant amount of food to maintain their body weight.

Water Preferences: Elk require access to clean and abundant sources of water, especially during the hot and dry summer months. They will often migrate to areas where water is readily available, such as streams, rivers, and lakes.

Elk are also known to be excellent swimmers and will cross rivers and other bodies of water to reach new grazing areas.

Shelter Preferences: Elk prefer to live in areas with ample cover and shelter. They will often seek out forests, shrubs, and other areas with dense vegetation where they can hide from predators and rest during the heat of the day. During the winter, elk will also seek out areas with adequate shelter to protect them from the cold and wind.

Behavioral Habits: Elk are social animals that live in herds. The size of the herd can range from a few individuals to several hundred, depending on the season and availability of resources. Male elk are highly territorial and will defend their mating rights during the breeding season, which occurs in the fall.

Elk are also known for their vocalizations, which they use to communicate with each other and attract mates.

Habitat Preferences: Elk can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and mountainous regions. They prefer areas with a mix of vegetation types and open spaces, which allow them to graze and move freely.

Elk are also known to be adaptable and can thrive in areas that have been disturbed by human activities, such as logging or farming.

Make Your Property Elk-Friendly

If you’re interested in attracting elk to your property, there are several steps you can take to make it more elk-friendly. In this section, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for creating an environment that is attractive to these magnificent animals.

  1. Provide Food and Water: One of the best ways to attract elk to your property is by providing them with a source of food and water. Planting native grasses, forbs, and shrubs can provide a valuable source of nutrition for elk, especially during the winter months when food is scarce. You can also install a water source, such as a pond or a stream, to provide elk with access to clean and abundant water.
  2. Create Habitat: Elk prefer areas with a mix of vegetation types, including forests, grasslands, and shrublands. By creating a diverse habitat on your property, you can provide elk with ample cover and shelter, as well as areas for grazing and movement. You can achieve this by planting a mix of trees, shrubs, and grasses, and avoiding overgrazing or overuse of the land.
  3. Control Predators: Predators such as wolves, coyotes, and bears can pose a threat to elk populations. By controlling predator populations on your property, you can help to create a safer environment for elk to thrive. This can be achieved through hunting or trapping, or by hiring a professional wildlife management service to assist with predator control.
  4. Avoid Human Disturbance: Elk are wary of humans and will avoid areas that are heavily trafficked or disturbed. By minimizing human disturbance on your property, you can create a more natural and attractive environment for elk. This can include limiting recreational activities such as hiking or camping, and avoiding loud noises or disturbances that can scare elk away.
  5. Provide Safe Passage: Elk require safe passage to migrate between different areas, especially during the winter months when they move to lower elevations in search of food and shelter. By providing safe passage, such as wildlife crossings or underpasses, you can help to ensure that elk can move freely and safely through your property.

Use Scent and Sound to Attract Elk

In addition to providing food, water, and habitat, using scent and sound can also be an effective way to attract elk to your property. In this section, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for using scent and sound to attract elk.

  • Scent: Elk have a keen sense of smell and are attracted to certain scents, particularly during the rutting season. Using scents such as elk urine or glandular scents can help to attract elk to your property. These scents can be placed around your property or on trail cameras to help attract elk.
  • Sound: Elk are also attracted to certain sounds, particularly during the rutting season when males are calling to attract mates. Using a bugle or cow call can help to attract elk to your property. These calls can be played at dawn and dusk, which are the prime times for elk activity. It’s important to note that elk are wary of human sounds, so it’s important to use these calls sparingly and at low volumes.
  • Wind Direction: When using scents or calls to attract elk, it’s important to pay attention to wind direction. Elk have a keen sense of smell and can easily detect scents carried by the wind. Always position yourself or your scent/call device upwind of where you expect elk to be, so that the scent or sound can be carried towards them.
  • Timing: Using scent and sound to attract elk can be most effective during the rutting season, which occurs in the fall. During this time, male elk are actively seeking mates and are more likely to respond to calls and scents. However, it’s important to note that using these methods outside of the hunting season may be illegal in certain areas, so it’s important to check local regulations before using these methods.
  • Safety Precautions: When using scent or sound to attract elk, it’s important to take safety precautions. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid using calls or scents in areas with limited visibility or where other hunters may be present. Also, always make sure that you are not attracting elk to areas where there may be human activity or where they could be a danger to themselves or others.

Provide Food for Elk

Providing food for elk is an effective way to attract them to your property, especially during times when food is scarce. In this section, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for providing food for elk.

Plant Native Vegetation: Elk are herbivores and require a diet of various plant species. Planting native vegetation such as grasses, shrubs, and forbs can provide a valuable source of nutrition for elk. When selecting vegetation, it’s important to choose species that are native to your area and are known to be palatable to elk.

Plant Food Plots: Planting food plots can also be an effective way to provide a supplemental food source for elk. Common food plot species for elk include clover, alfalfa, and other legumes.

When planting food plots, it’s important to select an area with good soil and adequate sunlight, and to ensure that the plot is large enough to support a sustainable elk population.

Provide Salt Licks: Elk require salt in their diet and are attracted to salt licks. Providing a salt lick on your property can help to attract elk and provide them with an essential nutrient. When providing salt licks, it’s important to place them in an area that is easily accessible to elk and to avoid overuse of the area, which can lead to soil erosion.

Supplemental Feeding: In areas where food is scarce, supplemental feeding can be a valuable way to provide elk with the nutrition they need. This can include feeding hay, pellets, or other feed. However, it’s important to note that supplemental feeding can be expensive and should be done in consultation with a wildlife management professional.

Avoid Overfeeding: While providing food for elk can be beneficial, it’s important to avoid overfeeding. Overfeeding can lead to a range of issues, including digestive problems and increased susceptibility to disease. It can also lead to overpopulation, which can be detrimental to both the elk and the environment.


Q. What Is the Best Time of Year to Attract Elk to My Property?

The best time of year to attract elk to your property is during the rutting season, which occurs in the fall. During this time, male elk are actively seeking mates and are more likely to respond to calls and scents.

However, it’s important to note that using these methods outside of the hunting season may be illegal in certain areas, so it’s important to check local regulations before using these methods.

Q. What Kind of Food Should I Provide for Elk on My Property?

Elk require a diet of various plant species, and providing native vegetation such as grasses, shrubs, and forbs can be a valuable source of nutrition for them.

You can also plant food plots with species like clover, alfalfa, and other legumes. Additionally, providing a salt lick can help to attract elk and provide them with an essential nutrient.

Q. How Do I Use Scent and Sound to Attract Elk?

Using scents such as elk urine or glandular scents can help to attract elk to your property. These scents can be placed around your property or on trail cameras to help attract elk.

Using a bugle or cow call can also be effective during the rutting season. It’s important to position yourself or your scent/call device upwind of where you expect elk to be, so that the scent or sound can be carried towards them.

Q. What Kind of Habitat Do Elk Prefer?

Elk prefer habitats with a mix of open meadows and forested areas, with a nearby water source. They also prefer areas with diverse vegetation, including grasses, shrubs, and forbs. It’s important to create a habitat that meets these needs in order to attract elk to your property.

Q. What Safety Precautions Should I Take When Attracting Elk to My Property?

When using scent or sound to attract elk, it’s important to take safety precautions. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid using calls or scents in areas with limited visibility or where other hunters may be present.

Also, always make sure that you are not attracting elk to areas where there may be human activity or where they could be a danger to themselves or others. It’s also important to follow local regulations and obtain necessary permits before attempting to attract elk to your property.


Attracting elk to your property can be a rewarding experience for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. By understanding the behavior and preferences of elk, and by creating an environment that is attractive to them, you can increase your chances of attracting these majestic animals to your property.

Using a combination of scent, sound, and food, as well as providing a habitat that meets their needs, can be effective strategies for attracting elk to your property.

However, it’s important to always take safety precautions and to follow local regulations and guidelines. With patience, persistence, and a responsible approach, you can create an elk-friendly environment and enhance your outdoor experience.

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