How to Hunt Cow Elk with A Bow (Full Guide)

If you’re an avid hunter looking to add a new challenge to your hunting adventures, consider hunting cow elk with a bow. While hunting elk with a rifle is a popular option, hunting with a bow offers a unique set of challenges and rewards.

In this guide, we will cover the basics of how to hunt cow elk with a bow, including equipment, techniques, and strategies for a successful hunt. Whether you’re a seasoned bow hunter or new to the sport, this guide will provide valuable information to help you plan and execute a successful cow elk hunt with a bow.

How to Hunt Cow Elk with A Bow

A. Equipment

When it comes to hunting cow elk with a bow, the type of equipment you use is crucial to your success. Here, we will cover the best type of bow for hunting cow elk, recommended arrow and broadhead types, and other necessary equipment.

What Type of Bow Is Best For Hunting Cow Elk?

The best type of bow for hunting cow elk is a compound bow. Compound bows are known for their accuracy, power, and ease of use.

They are also equipped with a system of pulleys and cables that reduce the amount of effort required to hold the bow steady, making it easier to aim and shoot for extended periods.

Additionally, compound bows have a wide range of draw weights, which makes them suitable for hunters of all skill levels.

Recommended Arrow and Broadhead Types

When it comes to arrows, it is recommended to use carbon arrows as they are strong, durable, and lightweight.

The most common arrow length for hunting cow elk is 30 inches, but you may need to use longer arrows depending on your bow and draw length.

As for broadheads, it is recommended to use expandable broadheads, which are designed to expand upon impact, creating a larger wound channel and increasing the chances of a quick and humane kill.

Other Necessary Equipment

In addition to a bow, arrows, and broadheads, there are several other pieces of equipment that are necessary for a successful cow elk hunt with a bow.

A quiver is a must-have item as it is used to hold and organize your arrows. It is also important to have a release aid, which attaches to your bowstring and allows you to release the arrow with minimal movement, increasing accuracy.

Additionally, a rangefinder and a good quality hunting backpack are essential to have to carry your equipment and track the elk.

It’s important to note that hunting regulations vary from state to state, so it’s important to check with the local authorities for specific guidelines and laws before embarking on your hunt.

B. Techniques

A successful cow elk hunt with a bow requires not only the right equipment but also proper techniques for aiming and shooting, getting close to the elk without being detected, and determining the best time and location to hunt.

How to Properly Aim and Shoot A Bow

Proper aiming and shooting techniques are essential to making a clean and humane kill. When aiming, it’s important to use a proper stance, keep your bow arm steady, and align your peep sight, pin, and target.

It’s also important to practice proper breathing and trigger control to ensure a smooth and accurate shot.

Tips for Getting Close to Cow Elk Without Being Detected

Cow elk have a keen sense of smell, hearing, and sight, so it’s important to take steps to minimize your scent and noise.

This can be done by using scent-eliminating products, avoiding using scented soaps or deodorants and staying downwind of the elk.

Additionally, it’s important to move slowly and quietly and to use natural cover and terrain to conceal your approach.

Strategies for Determining The Best Time Of Day And Location To Hunt

Cow elk are most active during the early morning and late evening hours, so these are the best times to hunt.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the location of the elk, such as where they are likely to be feeding and drinking, and to pay attention to the weather conditions, such as wind direction and temperature, which can affect the elk’s behavior. It’s also a good idea to study the elk’s habitat and behavior beforehand to increase your chances of success.

As always, it’s important to be aware of the hunting regulations and laws of your area and to always hunt ethically and responsibly.

C. Tracking and Locating

Once you have determined the best time and location to hunt, the next step is to track and locate cow elk. Here, we will cover some tips and strategies for finding and approaching the elk.

How to Track and Locate Cow Elk

Tracking and locating cow elk can be a challenging task, but there are a few strategies that can increase your chances of success.

One of the most effective methods is to look for signs such as tracks, droppings, and rubs. Additionally, listening to elk calls and bugles can be a good way to locate a herd.

Scouting and studying the elk’s habits and habitat can also be helpful in determining where they are likely to be at a particular time.

How to Approach and Take a Shot at A Cow Elk

Once you have located a cow elk, it’s important to approach it carefully and quietly to avoid spooking it. When taking a shot, it’s important to aim for a vital organ such as the heart or lungs to ensure a quick and humane kill.

As always, safety should be a top priority and it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and any potential hazards.

How to Field Dress and Care for The Elk After a Successful Hunt

Field dressing and caring for the elk after a successful hunt is an important part of the process. It’s important to field dress the elk as soon as possible to prevent spoilage and to keep the meat as fresh as possible.

It’s also important to properly care for the elk’s meat by properly cooling and storing it. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of hunting regulations and laws regarding the proper care and disposal of the animal.

It’s essential to note that hunting is a privilege and a responsibility. It’s important to always follow hunting regulations and laws and to hunt ethically and responsibly.

It’s also important to respect the game and nature and to be prepared for the responsibilities that come with taking an animal’s life.


Q: What Type of Bow Is Best for Hunting Cow Elk?

A compound bow is generally considered the best type of bow for hunting cow elk. Compound bows are known for their accuracy, power, and versatility, and they are capable of delivering a broadhead at high speeds, making them ideal for taking down large games such as cow elk.

Q: What Type of Arrow and Broadhead Should I Use For Hunting Cow Elk?

When hunting cow elk with a bow, it’s important to use a heavy, high-speed arrow and a broadhead that is designed for large games. Broadheads with a cutting diameter of at least 1.5 inches are recommended, as they will create a large wound channel and increase the chances of a quick and humane kill.

Q: How Close Can I Get to A Cow Elk Before Taking a Shot?

The ideal shooting distance for hunting cow elk with a bow is between 20 and 30 yards. However, it’s important to note that every situation is different, and the ideal shooting distance will depend on factors such as the terrain, wind direction, and the elk’s behavior.

Q: What Is the Best Time Of Day And Location To Hunt Cow Elk With A Bow?

Cow elk are most active during the early morning and late evening hours, so these are the best times to hunt. Additionally, it’s important to consider the location of the elk, such as where they are likely to be feeding and drinking, and to pay attention to the weather conditions, such as wind direction and temperature, which can affect the elk’s behavior.

Q: What Should I Do After Taking Down a Cow Elk With A Bow?

After taking down a cow elk with a bow, it’s important to field dress the elk as soon as possible to prevent spoilage and to keep the meat as fresh as possible.

It’s also important to properly care for the elk’s meat by properly cooling and storing it. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of hunting regulations and laws regarding the proper care and disposal of the animal.

It’s also important to give the animal respect and gratitude for providing sustenance.


Hunting cow elk with a bow can be a challenging and rewarding experience. It requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and patience. Choosing the right type of bow, arrow, broadhead, and other necessary equipment is essential for success.

Knowing how to properly aim and shoot, as well as tips for getting close to the elk without being detected, is crucial. Understanding the best time of day and location to hunt, and how to track and locate cow elk is also important.

Finally, once you have successfully hunted a cow elk, it’s important to field dress and cares for the elk properly and responsibly. Hunting cow elk with a bow is not only a test of skill but also of responsibility and respect for nature.

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